Arabadzhev, Gasan Artemovich
Krasnov’s alphabetic inventory of names from the KGB Wanted List includes Gasan Artemovich Arabadzhev, with no further information.[i] An individual by the same name is also listed in the Russian website Кадровый Состав Органов Государственной Безопасности СССР, 1935-1939 (Staff Personnel of the Organs of USSR State Security, 1935-1939), which lists state security employees whose names are found in commissioning, promotion, and awards documents.
Arabadzhev was commissioned as a junior lieutenant of state security on 13 January 1936, and served in the Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic NKVD, which covered Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia until it was divided into three individual republics in December 1936. On 24 January 1941, Arabadzhev was awarded the medal “For Worker’s Valor.” He was listed among a group of Ajarian ASSR NKVD officers who received awards in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Georgian SSR.[ii] He was likely either a senior lieutenant or captain at the time of the award, as he is among others of those ranks. Nothing further is known about Arabadzhev. However, because he is listed in Krasnov’s alphabetic list, but is absent from Krasnov’s research papers, he probably defected at some time during World War II.
[i] Krasnov, Soviet Defectors: The KGB Wanted List, p. 171.
[ii] “Приказ НКВД СССР № 31 от 13.01.1936” (Order of the USSR NKVD No. 31, 13 January 1936), Кадровый Состав Органов Государственной Безопасности СССР, 1935-1939 (Staff Personnel of the Organs of USSR State Security, 1935-1939), [http://nkvd.memo.ru/index.php/Арабаджев,_Гасан_Артемович] Arabadzhev is also listed with the alternate name Gasik Artemovich Arabadzhev. See also “Указ Президиума Верховного Совета СССР: О Награждении Передовиков Промышленности, Сельского Хозяйства, Науки и Искусства Грузинской ССР” (“Order of the USSR Supreme Soviet: On Awarding the Leaders of Industry, Agriculture, Science and Art of the Georgian SSR”), Pravda, 25 February 1941, p. 3.